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CSS Website Design

CSS Website Design

Take creative control of your web design

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and it can greatly improve the limitations set by just using HTML in a standard site. HTML is great for presenting information on the internet, but it definitely has design, layout and visual limitations. CSS can make an average looking HTML site into a more stunning and professional looking website. Most of the layout of the website that you are looking at now was created using CSS. Some great benefits of using CSS based websites are:

  • Web Pages Load Faster

With a CSS based website, you can have the stylesheet coding load externally and not have unnecessary code slow down your page load times. This will allow your pages to load faster because each of your pages will have less code to cycle through.

  • It's Good For Search Engines

Search engines such as Google are starting to value sites based on how quickly they load. Since CSS coding can help your site load faster, search engines will see your site as more user friendly. Using CSS is a definite plus for seo.

  • A Lot More Styles Compared To HTML

CSS has far more style options than HTML. HTML styles are pretty basic and limited. If you want to have a visually pleasing website, CSS allows you to have total creative control over what the site will look like. For example, you can have total control over pretty much everything on the site such as custom layouts, font styles, custom lists, drop shadows and many more options.

  • CSS Is Easy To Update

CSS is very easy to maintain and update. Since you can have the styles load externally, you only have to update the external CSS Style page. For example, if you want to quickly change the background color or font, you can easily just change one line of code instead of updating each page. It definitely speeds up the web development process.

  • CSS Can Give Your Site A Consistent Look

If you are looking to have a quality website that is uniform and consistent, CSS can do this. Since you can have all the CSS styles load externally on a separate page, the site can be set up to display the pages in a very consistent fashion.

These are just a few of the advantages of using CSS in your website. CSS coding can make your site look and run great. Let our web design company take your ideas and integrate them into a quick loading and search engine friendly website!

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